Fairfax Ice Arena wants your first day on the ice to be safe, memorable and fun. Please read the important information below to know what to expect on your first day and to start your skating journey off right.
Arrive 15–20 minutes before your class time to check-in at the lessons office and get on the right pair of skates. Plan on coming to your group lesson start date and time unless you have received a phone call or email letting you know that your class has been cancelled or rescheduled.
Attend Orientation: Parents, guardians and caretakers of new Fairfax Ice Arena students must attend a quick orientation with staff during the first 10–15 minutes of their students' first day of class.
Claim your practice card: A practice card is public skate admissions and skate rentals that are included with your current purchase of group lessons. Pick-up your practice card when you check-in for your first day of group lessons at the Lesson Office. Skaters and or parents, guardians and caretakers of students are responsible for their practice cards. Learn more about practice cards in our group lesson policies section.
What to wear:
What to bring:
These items are nice to have on hand for your skater and for all guests watching their skaters:
Ice skate rentals are included and are available for the student's use during your group lesson. Let the staff at the skate rental counter know your shoe size.
Do not interrupt or distract group lessons, coaches, and students on and off the ice.
Do I receive a confirmation or a reminder?
Fairfax Ice Arena does not send any email confirmations or reminders. If you did not receive a receipt when you registered, you can log on to your account and see your transaction receipt online: go to "my page" and then "my activities." You can also get a reprint of your receipt at the lesson office. If you are having issues with logging into your account, please contact the Lesson Office at (703) 323-1132.
How do I know whether my class has been cancelled or not?
If you have registered for a class, make a note of the class information and plan on coming to your group lesson start date and time unless you have received a phone call and message telling you that your class has been cancelled or rescheduled. If you receive a call and message about your class, please return our call as soon as possible to reschedule. The lesson office only emails or makes calls for classes that are cancelled, rescheduled or if there are any time changes.
For more information and answers to frequently asked questions about group lessons, read our group lesson policies.
(703) 323-1132
© 2025 Copyright Fairfax Ice Arena Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3779 Pickett Rd.
Fairfax, VA 22031